Linux Dev Time – Episode 95


We are joined by Drew DeVault to discuss his programming language called Hare, which aims for 100 years of forwards compatibility.

We mentioned Drew’s blog posts Can I be on your podcast? and It takes a village





Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta. Visit to learn more.


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Linux Dev Time – Episode 94


How we first learned to code, and how we learn new technologies now.

Snake in Terraform
Snake in lots of languages
Web server in Sinclair BASIC





Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta. Visit to learn more.


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Linux Dev Time – Episode 93


What we’ve learned over the years about the interview process for software development jobs, both as the applicant and the interviewer.





Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta. Visit to learn more.


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Linux Dev Time – Episode 92


The automation tools we use in our development and why we use them. Plus how to engage with your project’s community – both in real time, and asynchronously.





Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta. Visit to learn more.


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Linux Dev Time – Episode 91


Andy Balaam joins us to talk about accepting contributions from devs with varying levels of experience. When to invest the time to mentor them, why documentation is important, how automated tools fit in, being willing to decline some contributions, dealing with companies vs individuals, and more.






Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta. Visit to learn more.


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Linux Dev Time – Episode 90


How we use AI coding assistants like GitHub Copilot, what they have done to the development industry, what might happen in the future, and the ethics of the whole thing. With guest host Linus.





Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta. Visit to learn more.


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Linux Dev Time – Episode 89


We follow up on last episode with some clarifications from Amolith about code collaboration. Plus we get into development workflows in general, code review, the paradigms we couldn’t do without, and more. With guest host Linus.

Amolith mentioned a Low energy game jam.



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Linux Dev Time – Episode 88


When it comes to collaboration workflows, Amolith dislikes the pull request model that GitHub made popular and much prefers the email/patch-based approach. Kevin does his best to get to the bottom of why, and Joe wonders if it might come down to disliking Microsoft.


Your GitHub pull request workflow is slowing everyone down






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